Staff Profile

Professor Dr. Mohammad Saidur Rahman

Professor Dr. Mohammad Saidur Rahman

Advisor (Smallholders' Agricultural Equipment Market Analysis)

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Research Profile

Professor Dr. Mohammad Saidur Rahman is on the staff of Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU) as a Professor in the Department of Agricultural Economics. At BAU, Professor Rahman holds the position of Head of the Dept. of Agricultural Economics, Director of the Institute of Agribusiness and Development Studies (IADS), Executive Editor of the Bangladesh Journal of Agricultural Economics (BJAE). Currently, Dr. Rahman is working as a Treasurer (Additional Charge) at Bangladesh Agricultural University. Mr. Rahman was former Fulbright Scholar with his placement at Texas State University, San Marcos, Texas, USA. Professor Rahman completed his MS degrees under RORAD scholarship from the Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Norway, and Bangladesh Agricultural University. He did his PhD research under GRiSP scholarship at International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) at Philippines in collaboration with Purdue University. Professor Rahman's research interests encompass smallholders' irrigation markets, economics agricultural mechanization, economics of agricultural policy interventions and renewable energy use economics. Professor Rahman's research enhances his network to the worldwide scientists in Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Netherlands, United Kingdom (UK), France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Switzerland, Vatican City, Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore, India, Thailand, United Arab Emirates (UAE), United States of America (USA), China, Belgium, Luxembourg, Qatar, South Korea, Hungary, Japan, Cambodia and Australia.


Bangladesh Association for the Advancement of Science (BAAS)- Life Member

Bangladesh Economic Association (BEA)- Life Member

Bangladesh Agricultural Economist Association (BAEA)- Life Member

Bangladesh Krishibeed Institution (Agricultural Graduates’ Association)- Life Member

Australasian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society (AARES)- International Member

Prize and Honors

“Social Development Award” awarded by the Honorable Prime Minister, Peoples’ Republic of Bangladesh for the excellent performance in Scouting.

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Smallholders' Irrigation Markets, Economics of Agricultural Mechanization, Economics of Agricultural Policy Interventions and Renewable Energy Use Economics.