Staff Profile

Professor Dr. Chayan Kumer Saha

Professor Dr. Chayan Kumer Saha

Advisor (Agri-Tech)

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Research Profile

Dr. Chayan Kumer Saha is a professor at the Department of Farm Power and Machinery, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh and frontier researcher in innovating and adapting climate smart agricultural technologies in Bangladesh. He has twenty-four (24) years of research experience as PI, Co-PI, associate director, research coordinator and researcher of different national and international projects in collaboration with different international research institutions from USA, Denmark, Germany, Netherland, India, Cambodia, Nepal etc. He was a Co-lead of ‘Appropriate Scale of Mechanization Innovation Hub (ASMIH) – Bangladesh’ for promoting sustainable agricultural mechanization in Bangladesh and also the Researcher Coordinator of the project ‘Post-Harvest Loss Reduction Innovation Lab (PHLIL) – Bangladesh’ for preventing postharvest losses of paddy in Bangladesh. He has contributed to significant innovations, including the BAU-STR dryer, IoT Based HortiCool storage and solar hybrid dryer for vegetables and fruits, and an IoT-based solar-pump drip irrigation system. Received Global Research Impact Awards 2019, 2020 and 2022, in recognition of outstanding global research impact awarded by Bangladesh Agricultural University Research System (BAURES), Bangladesh. He is also member of Technical Advisory Group (TAG) of Circular Bioeconomy of FAO-Rome, and preparing circular bioeconomy guideline for livestock production system. He is a national advisor of Smart Agro-Technology Innovation Youth Network (SAIYN). He published a book and more than 87 peer review articles in national and international journals.

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Precision Agriculture, PHL technology, Agricultural Machinery, Renewable Energy, Circular Bioeconomy.