Staff Profile

Mysha Lamhiya Azanta

Mysha Lamhiya Azanta

Research Assistant

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Research Profile

Mysha Lamhiya Azanta recently graduated with a degree in Agricultural Economics from Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh, under the faculty of Agricultural Economics & Rural Sociology. She is currently employed as a research assistant under the guidance of Professor (Assistant) A. K. M. Abdullah Al-Amin.

Mysha, holds a profound interest in agriculture, agricultural economics, and agri-tech, particularly concerning smallholders' welfare. During her leisure time, Mysha thrives on immersing herself in hands-on activities and pursuing productive endeavors. Fueled by an inherent passion for discovery, she dedicates herself to volunteering and actively engages in exploring the world around her. Mysha's contributions span diverse activities, driven by her boundless enthusiasm for learning and her insatiable curiosity to delve into new realms of knowledge. She is contributing meaningfully to the advancement of knowledge in her field.


Bangladesh Agricultural Economists Association

Prize and Honors

  1. Scored 1st position in public speaking at the 'National Youth Competition' organized by the Islamic Foundation, Bangladesh, held in Dinajpur district,and also achieved 2nd position in a quiz competition. Received the first prize for a science project at the 'National Creative Talent Hunt' competition in Dinajpur district, under Chirirbandar Upazila, in 2013."

Personal Information


Farm Management, Production Economics, Agri-Tech Economics, Smallholders’ Agriculture.