Staff Profile

Umme Jaman Antu

Umme Jaman Antu

Research Assistant

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Research Profile

Umme Jaman Antu recently graduated with a degree in Agricultural Economics from Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh, under the faculty of Agricultural Economics & Rural Sociology. She is currently employed as a research assistant under the guidance of Professor (Assistant) A. K. M. Abdullah Al-Amin. During her undergraduate studies, she actively participated in a research project led by Professor Md. Akhtaruzzaman Khan, focusing on "Post-harvest losses of inland and marine fisheries".

Umme holds a profound interest in agriculture, agricultural economics, and agri-tech, particularly concerning smallholders' welfare. During her leisure time, she enjoys immersing herself in hands-on activities and productive pursuits. With an inherent passion for discovery, Umme is dedicated to contributing meaningfully to the advancement of knowledge in her field.


Bangladesh Agricultural Economists Association

Prize and Honors

Secondary School Certificate Board Scholarship, 2016

Personal Information


Precision Agriculture, Agri-Tech Economics, Production Economics, Farm Management, Smallholders’ Agriculture