Staff Profile

Professor Dr. Anisur Rahman

Professor Dr. Anisur Rahman

Advisor (Smallholders' Agri-Tech)

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Research Profile

Dr. Anisur Rahman is working as a Professor in the Department of Farm Power and Machinery, Bangladesh Agricultural University. Mr. Rahman was Japanese Government (MEXT) fellow at Kyoto University Japan, Canadian Commonwealth Exchange Program fellow at Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, University of Saskatchewan (Canada), and BK21 fellow at Chungnam National University, South Korea. Dr. Rahman also worked as a researcher at Zhejiang University, China. Dr. Rahman was recognized as “Best Paper Presenter” at Korean Society of Agricultural Machinery (KSAM) Conference 2017 and “Best Poster Presentation Award” at KSAM & KSPA 2016 Autumn Conference, S. Korea. Dr. Rahman was also awarded travel grant from the Japanese Society of Agricultural Machinery and Food Engineers (JASM) and Kyoto University to attend the conference in Poland and Taiwan. Dr. Rahman has published several scientific articles on machine vision, hyperspectral imaging, NIR, FT-IR, and Raman spectroscopy research in the agricultural field. His primary research interests are in spectroscopy, hyperspectral imaging, machine vision, sensors, IoT and image processing in the agricultural sector. Dr. Rahman has been assigned as a guest editor for the special issue "Application of Non-destructive Detection Techniques in Horticultural Plants" of Horticulture (IF 3.1) Published by MDPI. He also works as an associate editor for the Journal of Agricultural Machinery and Bioresources Engineering (JAMBE) and as managing editor for the Journal of Bangladesh Agricultural University. Dr. Rahman has completed several research projects on sensor-based variable rate agrochemicals sprayer, image-based autonomous weed detection system, potato field monitoring using UVA, tomato harvester robot, sensor-based soil nutrient management, paddy seed quality using machine vision and several fruits quality using NIR-SWIR spectroscopy.  


Life Member: Bangladesh Society of Agricultural Engineers (BSAE)

Overseas Member: The Japanese Society of Agricultural Machinery and Food Engineers (JSAM)

Member: The Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh (IEB)

Prize and Honors

Global Research Impact Recognition Award, Bangladesh Agricultural University Research System (BAURES), Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh [2023]

Global Research Impact Recognition Award, Bangladesh Agricultural University Research System (BAURES), Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh [2021]

Best Poster Presentation Award, KSAM & KSPA 2016 Autumn Conference, S. Korea [November/2016]

Best Paper Presentation Award, Korean Society of Agricultural Machinery (KSAM) Conference 2017 [April/2017]

Best Publication Award 2016, BAU Teacher's Association 2016 [January/2017]

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Machine vision, Spectroscopy, Hyperspectral Imaging & ICT in Agriculture