Staff Profile

Md Arif Hossen

Md Arif Hossen

Research Assistant

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Research Profile

Md. Arif Hossen is conducting his MS in Agricultural Economics (Production Economics) at Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU), Mymensingh, Bangladesh. He has completed B.Sc. in 2021, under the faculty of Agricultural Economics and Business Studies at Sylhet Agricultural University (SAU), Sylhet, Bangladesh. Mr. Hossen completed HSC in 2016 at Advanced Residential Model College, Mymensingh, Bangladesh and SSC in 2014 at Raghunathpur High School, Mymensingh, Bangladesh. While studying at Sylhet Agricultural University, Mr. Hossen was involved in various co-curricular activities. He has served as President of The Agricultural Economics Club, Joint General Secretary of Bangladesh Biology Olympiad, Brand Ambassador of Eco-Network Bangladesh. Mr. Hossen is keenly interested in smallholders’ optimization modelling to reduce the costs of food and nutrition security through linking macro level development visions of Bangladesh. His research interests also include the economics of Precision Agriculture, Cropping Systems and Farming Systems.

Personal Information

Department (S):

Production Economics


Farm Management, Production Economics, Agri-Tech Economics, Smallholders’ Agriculture