Staff Profile

Md Misfir Afsary

Md Misfir Afsary

Research Assistant

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Research Profile

Md Misfir Afsary is an Economics and Business enthusiast with an emphasis on sustainability, regeneration and data-driven approach. He is now studying Management Information Systems (MIS) at the University of Dhaka. He graduated from the military high school Faujdarhat Cadet College in 2022, pursuing six years of rigorous education, problem-solving and leadership skills. As a meritorious Liberal Arts student, he earned top divisional positions in both Secondary and Higher Secondary Exams.

How Geography, Politics, Economics and Technology can be linked together to achieve optimum human potential and to serve its purpose has been his primary concern since he joined university. That's why, he writes about the environment, economy, sustainability and social thought in different media, including national publications. To give it a technological touch, he earned skills in Data Science, Machine Learning, Entrepreneurship, Critical Thinking, and Emotional Intelligence, etc. from the world's highly prestigious institutions. He dreams of revolutionizing the sectors of Agriculture, Environmental Resilience, Economics and social thought.


Contributing Writer at Siren

Brand Promoter, Content and Publications Wing, Dhaka University Entrepreneurship and Development Club

Prize and Honors

Badge from IBM: Python for Data Science, AI and Development

5th in Chattogram Board, Higher Secondary Certificate Examination

6th in Chattogram Board, Secondary School Certificate Examination

Hon'able Mention, Digital Art, Youth Talents Global Challenge 2021

Personal Information


University of Dhaka

Organization (S):

Faujdarhat Cadet College


Supervised Learning, AI in Marketing and Finance, Climate Economics, Critical Reasoning, Python Programming Language